第19回定期練習(5/6)報告(By Gesine)

Partez Rowing Club  » 練習報告・レース結果 »  第19回定期練習(5/6)報告(By Gesine)

Practice on May 6th

Participants: Mozuyama, Yamashita, Mikami, Tamamura, Yamamoto, Harada, Matsune, Takagi, Gesine

Today there were nine of us in four boats (1x Quad, 2x Double scull, 1x Single scull) on the water. Since there was also a regatta on the course on this holiday (furikae kyujitsu), we couldn't use the entire route, but only 1000 m. The wind was also quite strong. Before we got on the water we did circuit training.
I was lucky enough to be able to practice with Mr. Yamamoto. I realized some things that I should have known for a long time. 

The blades, for example, should be buried and locked into the water prior to the application of leg power.  I hope I can implement what Yamamoto-san explained to me today and row a little better in the future.


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