
Partez Rowing Club  » 練習報告・レース結果 »  全日本マスターズ特別練習(Mix8+)(6/16(日)9:00~)


COX 山本光 S野津山 7玉村 6Jessica 5高木享 4中西景 3エレン 子2三上 B古海

One thought on “全日本マスターズ特別練習(Mix8+)(6/16(日)9:00~)”

  1. On Saturday, Partez crew gathered for a special practice in preparation of the Japan Masters early July. The boat was a mix 8, with members of the female 8 and mix 8 that will compete in the Masters.
    The conditions were stunning: clear flat water, no wind, end spring temperatures.
    We did a long practice on the Arakawa river, with long pieces at a pace of about 20 strokes per minute, a few start rehearsals and 20 stroke full paddle training.
    I joined the crew after one year of no training as I moved abroad. This was a lot of fun, but also a good reminder of the necessary physical condition to row 🙂
    The conditions helped, but overall the balance of the boat was good. Increase the cadence while maintaining strength in the water and cohesion is always the challenge, especially in a mix 8.
    A special thank you for our club members who helped carry the boat to and from the river before and after practice.


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